2021 Campaign Creative Revisions
Following research feedback the landing page has been adapted to encourage visitors to identify their own feeling states and to find out more about them, along with what help is available.
Photographic images of people have been replaced with nine illustrative representations of
feeling states which remove the possibility of subjective identification with photographic images
that might potentially put a visitor off looking further.
Site visitors clicking on a feeling state image will be served a pop up window that helps them to identify their feelings and discover more about what therapy is available via IAPT.
By clicking on a feeling state chosen from the images on the right, site visitors will open a pop-up window that gives a brief overview of the state, what its most common causes are and which therapy approaches are successful in its treatment.
Users can then click through to the map directly, or by closing the pop-up, in order to locate
a Help Kent & Medway service provider offering the relevant IAPT treatment.
1. Provide copy for Feeling State pop-ups - Nii is providing
2. Finalise, optimise & SEO landing page - David
Feeling State Pop Ups
The pop up windows are currently awaiting state-specific copy and currently carry placeholder copy with he exception of the generic call-to-action at the end of each pop-up.
Digital & Social Advertising
A range of display ads are being developed for both Google display and AdWords.
The first three follow the campaign launch theme of appealing to those suffering from Low Mood and Key Workers in relation to their own self-care with an additional relationship support message.
The eight AdWords display ads above are typical of the type generated from the three basic ads we have set. These are generated by Google, which changes images and rotates ad copy to provide maximum exposure to all messaging.
Facebook & Instagram Posts
Three content treatments have been developed and will be deployed as Native content posts and then boosted geographically to our key target audiences with 'share' messages to encourage organic sharing.
Google AdWords
The two Google AdWords below reflect the two ad approaches - work stress /
burnout and relationship issues.
Low Mood or Work Stress?
Get confidential, free help.
Talking Therapies in Kent
Self-refer to a trained talking therapist for NHS help with low mood or stress.
Appointments available throughout Kent & Medway.
Help With Relationship Issues
Kent & Medway Talking Therapy
CBT and Counselling sessions available for adults across Kent & Medway
Self-refer to one of our workshops or individual sessions.
1. Develop additional ads for each feeling state
Feeling State Images
Nine of the most common feeling states have been identified & images chosen to represent each state.
The images have been selected as far as possible to represent the four key audiences,
Key Workers, BAME, Older People and Students.
Using these feeling states to identify symptoms is designed to overcome the stigma associated with the clinical nature of mental health concerns, but clinical terms such as anxiety & depression are included in image and site meta data to ensure maximum SEO benefit on organic search.
Eleanor's Story
This 45" edit of our first video covering the lived experiences of five talking therapies service users will be used in organic and paid social media.